- Tabletop
- Table|top ['teɪbltɔp], das; -s, -s [engl. tabletop, eigtl. = Tischplatte]: Anordnung verschiedener Gegenstände, die stilllebenähnlich fotografiert od. als Trickfilm aufgenommen werden.
Universal-Lexikon. 2012.
Universal-Lexikon. 2012.
Tabletop — Spiel Warhammer Bemalen einer napoleoni … Deutsch Wikipedia
Tabletop — can refer to: * Table Top Mountain (New York) * Tabletop, New South Wales, a rural village in Australia between Sydney and Melbourne. ** Table Mountain in Capetown, South Africa* In experimental physics jargon, a device or installation that fits… … Wikipedia
tabletop — [tā′bəl täp΄] n. the flat upper part or upper surface of a table adj. 1. relatively compact, so as to fit on the top of a table 2. suitable for display on the top of a table [tabletop sculpture] … English World dictionary
tabletop — noun Date: 1751 1. the top of a table 2. a photograph of small objects or a miniature scene arranged on a table • tabletop adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
tabletop — adj. Tabletop is used with these nouns: ↑sale … Collocations dictionary
Tabletop — Ta|ble|top [ teibl̩tɔp] das; s, s <aus engl. tabletop »Tischplatte« zu table »Tisch« (dies über altfr. table aus lat. tabula) u. top, vgl. 1↑Top> Anordnung verschiedener Gegenstände, die stilllebenähnlich fotografiert od. als Trickfilm… … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
tabletop — ta•ble•top [[t]ˈteɪ bəlˌtɒp[/t]] n. 1) a surface forming or suggesting the top of a table 2) intended for use on a tabletop • Etymology: 1800–10 … From formal English to slang
tabletop — /ˈteɪbəltɒp/ (say taybuhltop) noun 1. the top of a table. 2. a flat surface resembling this. 3. a tabletop vehicle. –adjective 4. of or relating to a truck, wagon, etc., with a flat open tray. 5. with a top flattened like a table, as a mountain.… …
tabletop — n. 1 the top or surface of a table. 2 (attrib.) that can be placed or used on a tabletop … Useful english dictionary
Tabletop game — is a general term used to refer to board games, card games, dice games, miniatures wargames, tile based games and other games that are normally played on a table or other flat surface. The term is used to distinguish these types of games from… … Wikipedia